HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartShow Categories on product detail page not workingShow Categories on product detail page not working
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6/5/2010 10:47 AM


Problem: I have the box checked to show categories on the product detail page but it doesn't actually show. By contrast the checkbox for show mini cart does display properly. I am using the curent version of Smith Cart.

Feature Request: It would actually be even better if the product details page would keep the other modules that I have on the 'Store' page so that I have more control over the layout. On my store page (the one with the Buy Now module) I have added the mini cart and categories modules on the right and left sides. When an item is clicked those modules no longer show. Even if the categories module would actually display, the layout is not consistent with the main store page. Please consider this behavior change in your module as it would provide much more flexibility for your customers.



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6/5/2010 7:31 PM
Accepted Answer 

In the cart settings there is a checkbox to show categories but the show categories is not implemented on the product details page. Regarding your feature request we have received this request to be able to add other modules to the product details page a couple times before. In order to do this we would have to break the product details page out to as a seperate module. We are weighing the pros and cons on this , the con is that it would require additional configuration to setup the cart since you are able to add multiple instances of the buynow module to your portal it would require an additional setting in the buynow and product detail modules to select the page name to link to. So the con is user friendly setup and the pro obviously is flexibility to add other modules to the product details page. This is the reason that show categories is not implemented on the product detail page yet as we are determining if we are going to split the product details out as a seperate module then show mini cart and show categories would be deprecated since you could just add the mini cart and categories module to the product details page.

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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6/5/2010 8:48 PM

Thank you for the answer. I'm sure you can tell by my previous post that I for one would prefer to have the modules split for the greater flexibility. I have used Catalook on previous client sites and the major drawback of it is the level of complexity; that being said it has just about every feature you could want in a cart module.

So far I really like your cart, even better than Catalook, and am glad to see the active development of it. However, in order for it to be a cart module that I can use on a number of client websites it needs some greater flexibility. I hope my comments will encourage steps in this direction.

One last thought: what about a "lite" version that would keep things very simple and a "full" version that would allow a more advanced flexibility? (no response necessary... just an idea)

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