Joined: 4/5/2010
Posts: 148
I do not receive a confirmation email after my order whether to the customer or to the distribution center. I hear that there is a solution in the forums but I can not find it when I search on Email or Confirmation. I was told email sending is set in the normal DNN setup. I have the SMTP setup in DNN and received a confirmation email from that setup. I have read that the email uses the "dnns api sendmail" but I have no idea what that is.
What should I be doing next?
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Joined: 3/11/2010
Posts: 1979
Hi Art,
In the past when someone reported an issue with the confirmation emails not going out it has always turned out to be an issue with their hosting setup. In most hosting configurations the smtp server is not on the same server or ip addresss tha the web site is hosted on the website relays the message to the smtp server. The recieving mail servers have tight requirements on email that is relayed and if you mail server is not properly setup to relay mail from your website the mail will get filtered out as spam. We are doing some additional testing on this on our test portals to see if we can replicate the issue you reported about the email confirmations not going out. In the meantime check out this post to see if you can resolve it with your hosting setup http://www.smith-consulting.com/forum...
Scott Kelly
Project Manager
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I receive the error "Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 xxxxxxx@myhost... we do not relay" One of the messages in the Spam assassin is that the HTML message is a saved webpage. Is there a text only option for the customer response that could lower my Spam score on the customer confirmation? The other high score on the Spam assassin is "MIME_QP_LONG_LINE RAW: Quoted-printable line longer than 76 chars". I have asked that the site be white listed and supposedly it has been. Unfortunately I still get these message. Any ideas?
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Joined: 3/11/2010
Posts: 1979
The cart uses one of the 3 following email templates when it sends the email confirmation. The email html templates located off your portal root directory in /desktopmodules/smith.buynow/
- OrderTemplate.htm – standard email template
- SHOrderTemplate.htm – email template used when shipping and handling is combined
- OrderSurchargeTemplate.htm – email template used when surcharge is enabled in the cart
When the cart sends the confirmation emails, tokens with data specific to the order are inserted to the email templates before they are sent out. Yes, the email templates are html but are formatted to be email friendly with minimal markup. Most modern hosting environments allow html emails so there is most likely a config issue in your email server, dns or firewall. You can try removing the html and changing the header so it looks like a straight text file so your spam filter doesnt snag it but your spam filtering should allow html emails with proper formatting. The log message you mentioned had something about a relay in it. If your mail server is detecting the emails as a relay then you have not setup/configured your email server correctly. I'm sure you have the proper credentials setup so its not an open relay but you also need reverse dns and an spf record setup. Have you checked out this post http://www.smith-consulting.com/forum...
Scott Kelly
Project Manager
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After many weeks of trying to get this all configured and all the rights correct, the answer to finally receiving a confirmation email was to list the actual server name and not the mail server alias in the SMTP Host configuration settings. Who knew since the mail server alias was the name listed in the provisioning letter. As it was explained to me, loosening of spam filter rules go against the actual mail server name, not the alias. When I asked for mydomain.com to be white listed, the opening of the spam filter was not for mail.mydomain.com, but for ww27.myhostingmailserver.com. At any rate, for the first time ever, I received a confirmation email at the end of the sales cycle at an email address not listed on mydomain.com. Thank you everyone for your help on this very tricky issue.
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I was having the same problem regarding not receiving emails. I made the change you suggested with the physical name of the email server. I am receiving the admin email confirmation, which is being sent from and to the website email server.
However, I was not able to end out the confirmation email to the customer using a Hotmail account. According to the web hosting company, I have to configure the shopping cart to use SMTP authentication with no SSL to send out the email or it will be blocked. I have the port number, if needed. Does anyone know how I can make this change?
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In order to do the authentication, you first create an email account and password on your hosting service, for example abattisti@yourhostservicename.com with a password such as MyAccountPassword. On the host settings for your Dot Net Nuke installation, open the SMTP settings. Click Basic authentication. In the userid field put your userid, abattisti in my example and the password, such as MyAccountPassword in my example, and click update. Try the test again. That should do it.
If that doesn't work there is another step you can try, involving getting your host to put you on their firewall "white list" so you are not considered spam. That's for another day, if you need it.
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I tried exactly what you said with the email account SMTP setup in the host settings and I still did not receive a customer email. In fact, a general exception was generated that said:
InnerException: Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: <ajb0215@hotmail.com> No such user here.
It looks like the system is expecting an email account on the actual email web server, rather than an outside email account. Any new insights? I'm going to send this to my hosting company tech support as well to see what they say.
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You are correct. You have to create an account on your actual email server that hosts your DNN. That is 100% why I wrote the sentence:
"In order to do the authentication, you first create an email account and password on your hosting service, for example abattisti@yourhostservicename.com with a password such as MyAccountPassword." If your web address for your site is www.yourhostingservicename.com then the email has to be something@yourhostingservicename.com. Unless Hotmail hosts your site then you cannot use your hotmail account for authorization. Trying to gain authorization with an email account on another service is like trying to use the key to your car to open the door to your house. The car key works well when you are going to drive somewhere. If you put the car key into the door lock at home, it won't open. If you use your house key to opent he door to your house, then you are authorized on the right "domain" and the door opens. I hope that helps.
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Joined: 3/11/2010
Posts: 1979
You are right it is recommended that you setup email on the same server that hosts your dnn site as the setup will be easier and you will get fewer messages flagged as spam. However, it is possible to have your email and dnn site on seperate servers but when they are seperate servers the setup is more complex. When your dnn site and email are seperate servers the possibility of messages being flagged as spam for relaying (or the dreaded 550 message) are alot greater. If you have no choice and have to run your dnn site and email server on seperate servers you will have to setup reverse dns and an spf record to prevent your messages being flagged as spam by the receiving email server. The free services like gmail, hotmail and yahoo are alot tougher to get mail thru since they get such a huge amount of spam everyday their spam filters are very militant.
Email marketing has gained huge popularity in the last several years as Im sure you know by the amount of junk mail you get everyday. Some IT professionals have dedicated their carreers to ensuring deliverablility of email messages so they are not flagged as spam, likewise companies that produce spam filtering devices and software spend millions on writing software to detect and trap spam so only valid emails are allowed thru. Long story short if your email server and dns is not properly configured the email message WILL be flagged as spam and will not be delivered
Scott Kelly
Project Manager
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Thanks very much for all of your input! But, I think we are not on the same page, so to speak!
I have already set up the SMTP settings on the Opera Bracelets portal to use webmaster@operabracelets.com as the email address and that email address is already created and is working. I have also created and validated the email address sales@operabracelets.com and have that email as both the store To: and From: email addresses for the Buy Now module.
I am also successfully getting the sales order confirmation being sent to the webmaster@operabracelets.com email from the sales@operabracelets.com account. The issue I am having is that when a test customer is buying a product and they complete the order, the customer is not receiving the user confirmation email from sales@operabracelets.com to their email address, an address which can be anything. The general exception that the portal gave to me is directly related to the user confirmation email not being sent.
Does that make my issue more clear? Does the sales@operabracelets.com possibly need to be set as the email address for the portal instead of webmaster@operabracelets.com and/or does sales@operabracelets.com need to be an email administrator? Please let me know your insights to the problem. Thanks for your help!
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Well, my hosting tech support found the problem and it was, as usual, something so trivial that I should have seen it. The STMP username I had on the portal was simply "webmaster" and when they changed it to webmaster@operabracelets.com, that fixed the problem. I guess I was confused because I had the host email set to webmaster@operabracelets.com, so I thought I was OK with the settings.
Thanks to both of you for helping out with this critical problem!