Adding a Single Product to the Cart


To add a product directly to your cart, the “productid” must be passed in the  querystring.  Follow these steps to obtain the correct link for hyper linking:


1. Navigate to the BuyNow module Store Admin Menu and click the “Manage Products” button to view your product listing page.  Note the product id for the product you want to add to the cart using the querystring.  (If you don’t have a product added yet, add your product from the product setup screen).


2.  Navigate to the BuyNow module product listing page and click the “View Cart” button to go to the cart page.


3.  Cut and paste the url from the browser window and paste it into notepad or your favorite editor.


4.  Add “?productid=1” to the end of the url where product id is the product id you obtained in step 1 above.


Example URL: