Add New Currency Symbol


Step 1: Open up settings.ascx located in your \desktopmodules\smith.buynow folder


Step 2:  Locate the “ddlStoreCurrency” dropdown list control


Step 3: Add the following list option making sure that you replace the listitem value and text property with the currency applicable to the country you are adding.  See highlights below:

<asp:ListItem Value="en-za" Text="South Africa Rand - R" />


Step 4: Save your changes


Step 5: The store location and currency settings control the home country, state/region and currency the cart uses as default values in the cart checkout and backend admin screens. 


Step 6: The country and state/region settings control the default value for the country and state/region dropdown boxes on the front end checkout screens step1 and step 2.  The store currency dropdown allows you to set the currency symbol in the cart checkout and backend admin screens.


Step 7: Additionally, the cart uses these settings to set the proper local and currency for the payment gateway, tax setup and shipping configuration.


Step 8: Select your home country, state/region and currency you would like the cart to use as default settings in your online storefront.  Typically, these are set to the country and state/region your online business is operating from or physically located.