Booking Products


The following fields allow you to configure bookable products:




Enable Booking – When checked enables product as a bookable product.


Show Date Picker – When checked displays a date picker button on the product details page.  When the user clicks on the date picker button a popup calendar is displayed allowing the user to select a desired date.   See the following screen shot of the date picker:





Show Time Picker – When checked displays a time picker button on the product details page.  When the user clicks on the time picker button a popup is displayed allowing the user to select a desired time.   See the following screen shot of the time picker:




Booking Units – The booking units dropdown list allows you to configure the booking units on your bookable products.  The following booking units are available:






      Event Level


For a full set of instructions on the Smith Booking module and how to setup bookable products click here to view the Smith Booking Module User’s Guide.