ClickBank Integration



The Affiliate Tracking module is integrated with the ClickBank instant notification service to receive post backs from ClickBank for sale and refund transactions.


The ClickBank Instant Notification service is triggered every time a transaction is created or an action is taken upon a transaction in your ClickBank account. The primary flow involves the following steps:


      An action occurs in the ClickBank system (i.e.  Sale, refund, etc.)

      ClickBank posts FORM parameters to a URL you specify

      ClickBank observes the server response

      The Smith Affiliate Tracking module processes the variables posted from ClickBank and saves the data to the customer, order and payment history tables.

      DNN account created for user

      User is added to portal roles you specify in product setup

      Automated email is sent to the user notifying them of their UserID, password and a message that they have been added as a member of your portal.


The following is the ClickBank notification service that is integrated with the Smith Affiliate Tracking module: