Creating a new Vendor and Affiliate in DNN


1)  Set up a Vendor in DNN for each affiliate or incoming link you want to track.  A Vendor is a website or company that links to your website.

a.  In DNN, navigate on “Admin > Vendors > Add New Vendor”. 

b.  Set up your Vendor details.  Make sure you enter your own email address so you receive the email with the affiliate id. 

c.  Click “Update” to continue.



2)  Set up an Affiliate association for this Vendor in DNN

a.  At the bottom of the Vendor detail screen you will see the “Affiliate Referrals” heading. 

b.  Click on “Add New Affiliate”.



3)  Generating a unique affiliate id and referral URL.  After you create a new vendor and affiliate in dnn you should receive an email that looks like this:


Dear Affiliate,


Your account for the Affiliate Program has been created.


To begin earning commission, please use the following URL to link to our site: