Enable Image Gallery with Zoom Effect


Select this option if you would like to enable the zoom effect on your product images.


The Zoom feature enables a small magnifier window next to the main product image on the product detail page.  This is useful in B2C or B2B sites where you would like to provide the user the ability to zoom in closely on your product images and view the finer details of the product before they check out and buy.



The user is able to move their mouse (magnifying glass) around the main product image and zoom in on all areas of the main product image.  If you have uploaded additional product photos they will be displayed in the thumbnail image gallery and the user can click on any thumbnail image to swap out the main image and then zoom the image just selected.  This enabled zooming on all six product photos.


SmithCart leverages the jqzoom jquery plugin to enable the zoom effect on your images.  To add or change the default jqzoom options open the following file:




The following zoom options can be configured by modifying sczoom.js:


      Choose from "standard" or "reverse" zoom type (see examples)

      Control the zoom size, as well as opacity of thumbnail image (during mouse hover)

      Add a fade effect when showing and hiding the zoom box (in addition, control the speed of the fading effect)

      Optionally, show a pre-loading animation with customizable text

      Position the zoom box where you want it: right, left, top or bottom

      Choose to show or hide the zoom "lens"

      Size of lens is automatically adjusted based on the zoom size and relative size to full image

      Optionally show an image "title"



For more information on the zoom technology implemented in SmithCart see the following link http://www.mind-projects.it/jqzoom_v10