Field Behavior





User Entered Amounts - Check this box if you would for the user to be able to enter a price for your product or service.  This option is typically used for online bill payment or sites that collect online donations.


Force Unique Sku - Check this box if you would like to enforce unique SKUs when entering products in the product setup page.  When this box is checked the product setup page will do a lookup to make sure the sku entered does not already exist in the database.   When this box is not checked duplicate skus will be allowed to be saved.


Enable Partial Quantities - Check this box to enable partial quantities in your store.


Minimum Order Quantity -- When the store admin configures the minimum order amount the following will happen on the cart page:

      The minimum order amount rule will be checked against the cart subtotal amount.

      If the carts subtotal amount is less than the minimum order amount configured and the user clicks the "Proceed to Checkout" button the cart will display the message "Minimum Order Amount Not Met" and will not allow the user to move past the cart page and checkout until the minimum order amount is met.

      The "Minimum Order Amount Not Met" message is configurable in the cart resx file to any message you like.


Shipping Label - Allows you to change the "Shipping" title in the checkout to anything that fits your requirement.  For example, if you are selling downloadable products you might enter “Customer Information” to replace the shipping label on the following screens and emails:


      Confirmation Page (Before Payment)

      Confirmation Page (After Payment)

      Customer and Admin confirmation emails