General Coupon Setup


In the General Coupon Setup section of the Add Coupon screen also you to configure basic settings such as the Coupon Code, Expiration Dates and the discount amount or percentage the Coupon will be deducting from the order.


The following describes each setting:


Active – Check the active checkbox to make the coupon active.


Coupon Code – The coupon code is an alphanumeric value that the user enters in the cart to apply the discount.


Coupon Name – The coupon name is a unique name that you assign to the coupon to help you reference the sale or promotion you are offering discounts for.  The coupon name does not show up in the front end cart to the user.  The coupon name is only used for backend reporting.


Valid From Date – If you want the coupon to be valid for a certain date range, select a valid from date for the coupon to be active.


Valid To Date – If you want the coupon to be valid for a certain date range, select a valid to date for the coupon to be active.


Coupon Amount – The coupon amount is the total dollar amount you want to discount the order by when the user enters a valid coupon code.  It should be entered as a numeric amount without the dollar sign.


Discount Percentage – The discount percentage is the percent that you want to discount the order by when the user enters a valid coupon code.  It should be entered as a number without decimals or percentage sign.  For example, 10% should be entered as 10 and 25% should be entered as 25.


Note: Make sure you enter a coupon amount OR a discount percentage not both.


Discount First Recurring Payment Only – When checked, applies coupon discount to the first recurring payment only.  Before this new feature was added a coupon discount would apply to all recurring payments if you had recurring billing configured for a product.

Note: Only applies when recurring billing is configured.