Handling Setup


Handling is an optional additional charge that can be added to the users order during checkout. 


The following is a screen shot of the handling setup fields:





Handling Charge – Enter the handling charge that you want charged for domestic orders during checkout.  Handling is shown in the cart as a separate line item unless the combine shipping and handling checkbox is checked.


International Handling Charge – Enter the handling charge that you want charged to international orders during checkout.  Handling is shown in the cart as a separate line item unless the combine shipping and handling checkbox is checked.


Combine Shipping and Handling – Check this box if you want to combine shipping and handling to a single line item dollar amount in the cart checkout, order confirmation screen and email invoice receipt send to the user and store admin.  Combining shipping and handling as a single line item allows you to set a fixed price for shipping by choosing free shipping above and entering a handling charge.


Charge Handling for Selected Products Only - Check this checkbox if you would like to charge handling for selected products only.  This checkbox works in conjunction with the “Charge Handling” checkbox in the product setup screen.  When “Charge Handling for Selected Products Only” and “Charge Handling” are checked the cart will apply the following rules for charging handling:


      If no items in the cart have “Charge Handling” checked in product setup then the cart will charge zero handling.

      If at least one product in the cart has “Charge Handling” checked then use the cart will apply the handling amount configured in the BuyNow settings handling setup section.


Tax Handling - When checked handling will be included in the tax calculation.