Helpful Product Import Tips


      Including column headings as the first row in the spreadsheet is optional.  The sheet name of your Excel spreadsheet that contains the data you want to import must be named “Sheet1”.

      Make sure that alphanumeric fields that have all numbers (i.e. SKU) have a single quote in front of the them as excel converts these fields to numbers or scientific notation in some cases if the number is big enough.


      If the data is coming from a database other than sql server like a unix platform, mainframe or vsam/isam files the data is most likely stored in a different data format and when exported could include characters that may not be visible in ascii so make sure your data is clean of any special characters before importing.


      If you are importing variants the VariantDisplayType field is required.  The following are the options for the VariantDisplayType field:











      Cart versions 2.44.14 and prior image locations are as follows:


Thumbnail Images - \desktopmodules\buynow\thumbnails

Large Images - \desktopmodules\buynow\images


      Cart versions 2.44.16 and greater image locations are as follows:

Thumbnail Images - \portals\[yourportalid]\smithcart\thumbnails

Large Images - \portals\[yourportalid]\smithcart \images