Hide Fields




Hide Price – When hide price is checked the “Price” field is hidden on the Product Listing page


When hide price is checked the “Price” field is replaced with “Request a Quote” on the following pages and emails:



      Confirmation Page (Before Payment)

      Confirmation Page (After Payment)

      Customer and Admin confirmation emails





Figure 9 - Cart Page



This feature is useful if your site is “Request a Quote” only or if your business only sells to resellers that require prior approval before buying your products. 


Hide Quantity – Check this box if you would like to hide the “Quantity” textbox on the product listing page.  This is useful if your business only sells to resellers that require prior approval before buying your products.


Hide Shipping - Check this box if you would like to hide the shipping item on the following pages and emails:



      Confirmation Page (Before Payment)

      Confirmation Page (After Payment)

      Customer and Admin confirmation emails


This feature is useful if your store does not offer shipping on products or you are selling downloadable products where there is no shipping.


Hide Handling – Check this box if you would like to hide the handling item on the following pages and emails:



      Confirmation Page (Before Payment)

      Confirmation Page (After Payment)

      Customer and Admin confirmation emails


This feature is useful if your store does not sell products that require handling of any kind.


Hide Tax – Check this box if you would like to hide the tax on the following pages and emails:


      Confirmation Page (Before Payment)

      Confirmation Page (After Payment)

      Customer and Admin confirmation emails


This feature is useful if your store does not charge tax or if your products are not taxable.


Hide Sub Total – Check this box if you would like to hide the sub total lines (Sub Total, Shipping, Tax, Discount and Total) on the following pages and emails:



      Confirmation Page (Before Payment)

      Confirmation Page (After Payment)

      Customer and Admin confirmation emails


This feature is useful if your site is “Request a Quote” only or if your business only sells to resellers that require prior approval before buying your products. 


Please Note:  If you are operating from the United States you will not be PCI compliant if you check this option.  This checkbox should only be checked in the following scenarios:


1.  You are operating from a country that allows the CVV to be stored in the database.

2.  You are using the manual gateway option and you immediately delete the CVV code from the database after processing the customer’s credit card.