How to Change Buttons in the Cart


All the buttons in the cart are asp:LinkButtons and can easily be changed to any image you like. The image buttons are stored in a sub directory titled "\images" under the module folder in the "\DesktopModules\Smith.(modulename)" directory.  For example, if you want to replace the asp:LinkButton on the Product Listing page or checkout the images are all located in the "\DesktopModules\Smith.BuyNow\Images" folder.  By using file explorer with the thumbnail viewer locate the button you want to replace and copy over it.

Alternatively, to locate a specific button on a page, for example, the “Add To Cart” button on the product list page in the BuyNow module:

1.  Navigate to the \DesktopModules\Smith.BuyNow folder and locate the ascx page you want to change the image on.  In this example the page name is called "productlist.ascx"

2.  In the ascx page locate the button you want to change and note the name of the image.  The add to cart button on the productlist.ascx page is called "add_to_cart2.gif"

3.  Copy your new add to cart image button to the \DesktopModules\Smith.BuyNow\Images folder

Your new image button will now be displayed in the cart!


If you are running multiple carts in the same DNN install please refer to the following forum post for instructions on how to style the cart per portal.