How to Localize Your Store


The following steps outline how to install SmithCart language packs to localize the cart in your desired language:


1.  Make sure you have SmithCart installed.


2.  Login to your portal as Administrator and navigate to the DNN Admin menu – Languages option.


3.  Select the language you would like to use in your store from the drop down list. If the language for your specific locale is not listed in the dropdown list you will need to login as "Host" and add your desired language pack from DNN Host - Languages menu option.  Once you have installed additional language packs within your portal those languages will be available from the dropdown list.


4.  Download the appropriate SmithCart language pack here, unzip and copy the resx files to the following folders.


      Smith.BuyNow module - \desktopmodules\Smith.BuyNow\App_LocalResources

      Smith.ProductDetail module - \desktopmodules\Smith.ProductDetail\App_LocalResources

      Smith.MiniCart module - \desktopmodules\Smith.MiniCart\App_LocalResources

      Smith.Categories module - \desktopmodules\Smith.Categories\App_LocalResources

      Smith.FeaturedProducts module - \desktopmodules\Smith.FeaturedProducts\App_LocalResources

      Smith.MyAccounts module - \desktopmodules\Smith.MyAccounts\App_LocalResources



Note:   If a SmithCart language pack is not available on the cart downloads page for your language please email and we will create one and make it available on the SC site.  You can also translate the resx files to your language using the Google language translator or using your favorite editor open the resx files listed in the folders above and translate into your desired language and “save as” when complete.  Translated text should only be added to the “Value” column of the resource file.   Make sure that you do not over write the existing resx files and “save as” a different file name.  When saving your resx files make sure you use the naming conventions described in section below titled “Resource File (Resx) Naming Conventions”.