Order Confirmation Email Tokens


The following tokens can be entered in the User Email and Admin Email Templates to customize the email message. 


Note: All email tokens must be entered in uppercase and be enclosed in square brackets as shown below.





Order Confirmation Email Tokens

Token Name



Customer’s DNN User ID


Customer’s shipping address


Customer’s DNN User ID


Customer’s DNN Password


Customer’s first name


Customer’s last name


Customer’s email address


Customer’s shipping address


Special Instructions entered by the user on the user on the confirmation status page


Customer’s shipping address


Special Instructions entered by the user on the user on the confirmation status page


Order ID


Purchase Order date


Payment status of a purchase order


Specific details of customer’s products purchased


Total order amount


Total amount without shipping & handling or tax


Custom date field from Step 1 of the checkout.


Custom dropdown field from Step 1 of the checkout.


Custom textbox 1 field from Step 1 of the checkout.


Custom textbox 2 field from Step 1 of the checkout.


The credit card number, eCheck number or Purchase Order Number from the step 2 checkout page.


Applies to eCheck and Check payment methods only.  Collected on the step 2 checkout page.



Applies to the Internet Banking payment method only.  The Merchant Bank Name field is entered in the BuyNow module settings and displayed to the user on the step 2 checkout page.


The address linked to your bank or credit card information