Product Percent/Amount Discounts By User


SmithCart supports configuring Product Prices at the product level by DNN User. If the user is logged in, the defined discount amount/percent defined for the user will be charged for the Product.


The following steps are required to configure Product Percent/Amount Discounts By User:


Step 1 – Enabling Product Percent/Amount Discounts By User


Enabling the Product Percent/Amount Discounts By User option turns on the discount. For more information, please see the “Product Percent/Amount Discounts By User” section.


Step 2 – Product Percent/Amount Discounts By User Setup


Configuring the Product Percent/Amount Discounts By User setup will define the DNN User and discount that will be applied to the order. For more information, please see the “Product Percent/Amount Discounts By User Setup” section.


For more Discount options, please see the Discounts section.