Records Selector


The Records Selector allows you to choose how your Products are displayed on the Product Listing page.


The following Records Selector options are available to choose from:


Hide Records Dropdown – When selected the “Records” dropdown on the product listing page will be hidden.


Show Records Dropdown – When selected the “Records” dropdown on the product listing page will be displayed.


Show all products on a Single Page – When selected, all products will be displayed on one page, the records dropdown at the top of the catalog will be hidden and the navigation controls at the bottom will be hidden.


Show all products on a Single Page with Categories – When selected, all products will be displayed on one page, the records dropdown at the top of the catalog will be hidden and the navigation controls at the bottom will be hidden. The products (on one page) will be grouped into categories.


Records Dropdown Values – This feature allows you to enter a comma separated list of numbers of Products to be displayed on the Product Listing page and in the records dropdown.