Restrict Shipping By State



Restrict Shipping By State - The cart provides the ability to prevent shipping to certain states by product.  Please see the following screen to setup restricted ship states.


The list box on the left titled “States” contains a listing of all the states.  The list box on the right titled “Restricted States” contains a list of the states you have selected as restricted states. 


To create add restricted ship states for a product do the following:


1.  Edit the product that you want to add restricted states to.

2.  In the list box on the left, highlight the state you want to add to the restricted state list

4.  Click the arrow button pointing to the right  >>

5.  Click the “Update” button and the bottom to save


When the user enters their ship to address on the cart screen and restricted states are enabled, and they choose a state to ship to that is restricted the cart will display a message “Product xyz cannot be shipped to the state you have selected” and not allow the user to proceed past the cart page until a valid state is selected.