Thesis Statement Writing Examples for Compare and Contrast Essays – 2021 Guide
As a student, you will have to write different types of essays as a part of ‘write my essay’ tasks. One of these is a compare and contrast essay. This is an essay in which you have to explain the differences and similarities between two things. These can be events in history, characters from books, arguments, foods, or any other topic.

Like other essay types, in this essay also you have to start with a thesis statement that states clearly the main idea and outlines the important point. The thesis statement usually starts with a conditional word such as ‘whereas’ or ‘although’, then explain the comparison outcome. The thesis statement usually comes at the end of the introduction and prompts readers to read on. Let’s look at some of the thesis statement that you can use in compare and contrast essay.
While some people prefer to keep dogs as a house pet, there is also a large group of individuals who prefer cats. Most of the people think that cats are better as they are much calmer and don’t need to be taken out for walks. However, dogs are more loyal and love unconditionally.
You can see in this example of thesis statement in ‘write essay for me’ tasks that different perspective contrasting cats and dog’s owner and comparing them by sharing the commonalities they both share, mainly in their appeal as a pet. In this example, the only thing that is different is a specific preference for dogs and cats.
While both the Revolutionary War and Civil War were mainly fought to help a specific group of people to get freedom, the two wars are different in several ways. Both of these wars were fought on American land and had a great impact on history. However, these wars differed in terms of tactics that were used by people involved in the fighting. In this thesis statement, the Revolutionary and Civil wars are compared and contrasted. The paper writing service can also look at different compare and contrast essay examples to get a more clear idea of how the thesis statement should be written. Let’s look at another example of a thesis statement that can be used in this essay.
‘Plastic or Paper’ is a common question to hear during grocery shopping. Both these types of bags have their specific benefit and drawbacks. The plastic carries fewer items but not environmentally friendly whereas paper is sturdier, can hold more objects, and environmentally friendly. In this example, you can see clearly that paper has more benefits as compared to plastic and more preferable to use as compared to a plastic bag.
While both Christianity and Judaism are Abrahamic religions, they are different in their faith practice and Jesus Christ divinity. Think about this thesis statement for a moment. It clearly tells the difference and similarity between these two religions on which comparison can be made. Keep in mind! Do not just restate your question.
To create an argument as an essay writer, it is important that your thesis statement address the comparison and stay within the question or prompt parameter. Your thesis statement should be one or two sentences long, therefore you will have to consolidate all your main points into this. A good thesis statement focuses on a central idea, explaining the implication and importance of analysis.
Remember! Your thesis statement should focus on a meaningful comparison and depends mainly on an approach you use. To create a strong thesis statement for your essay you need to be specific. Use several important points in your thesis to develop a strong argument. For example, while bears and bats at first glance appear to have very little in common, they are significantly similar in their hibernation habits and species classification.
Now you know how to create a strong compare and contrast thesis statement for an essay writing service. Now impress your professor with a rocking essay. Just make sure that you have followed all instructions.