DPS Payment Express Hosted Payment Page


Payment Express is a Visa and MasterCard certified solution, developed by DPS, which facilitates electronic payments seamlessly from multiple access points i.e. Web, EFTPOS, Billing, IVR (Interactive Voice Response), CRM, Vending, MOTO (Mail Order / Telephone Order) and Wireless.  http://www.paymentexpress.com


The DPS Payment Express is a bank\\ hosted payment page that is compliant with PCI DSS standards.


DPS is certified with banks in Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Singapore, South Africa, USA and United Kingdom.


Select DPS – Payment Express from the “Gateway” dropdown list and the following fields will be displayed:


PxPayUserId - This is a required field for the payment gateway.  PxPayUserId is a unique id that identifies you with the gateway provider.


PxPayKey - This is the payment gateway secure key and is a required field.


With the DPS hosted payment page credit card information is not collected in Smith Cart, all payment information is collected on the DPS hosted payment page.  From the Smith Cart confirmation page when you click submit order the following DPS payment page will be displayed:







When the user clicks the “Next” button they will be returned to the Smith Cart confirmation page.


The payment pages at DPS are fully customizable.  For information on how to customize the look of your payments page please see:
