Moneris eSELECTplus (Canada) - Hosted Payment Page



To create a Hosted Paypage Configuration login to your Moneris eSelectPlus virtual terminal.

Once you have successfully logged in, click on the “ADMIN” menu item on the left and then in the submenu that appears click on “HOSTED CONFIG”. In the production environment, an individual

must be granted permission to access and alter the configuration. User permissions may be updated by navigating to “ADMIN” and then selecting ”MODIFY USER” from the submenu. Once you have found the user to be updated, click on “Set Permissions” and update their Administrative Permissions.


To create a new Hosted Paypage configuration click on “Generate a New Configuration”. You will be assigned a Hosted Paypage ID (ps_store_id) this is the identifier for this unique configuration. You will also be assigned a Hosted Paypage Token (hpp_key). The Hosted Paypage ID and Token are sent as part of the transaction request from SmithCart to securely identify your store and the specific configuration.


Select your transaction types and payment methods.


Response Method:  Select “Sent to your server as a POST”


Approved URL and Declined URL:  Enter your Approved URL and Declined URL from your Smith Cart checkout. Navigate to the confirm page of the Smith Cart checkout (the page with the submit or process payment button) and cut and paste the URL from your browser window.


Approved URL example:


Declined URL example:


Click on the “Save Changes” button to save the configuration.


Next, configure your Moneris PayPage appearance


Click on the “Save Changes” button to save the configuration.