HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartVariant stock quantityVariant stock quantity
New Post
10/16/2011 12:08 AM



I have set up all my variants in the variant section including SKU and Stock Qty. However, I can still buy any of the variants (I have checked enable inventory mgmt) even though stock qty =0

But when I go to the variant inventory section and again assign zero stock qty to a variant it does work. Why do I have to enter stock qty twice?

When I enter lets say 999 stock on hand in the variants section but 0 in the variant inventory then it seems that the variant inventory qty overwrites whatever I put in the variant section? Is that correct?

Also, what if a product doesnt have a variant? How am I going to to prevent customers from ordering when the stock qty = 0?


New Post
10/17/2011 2:41 PM

Hi Niels,

You are correct that to control the sale of an "Out of Stock" variant the Variant Inventory must be configured as the Quantity on Hand on the Variant Setup screen is not used to determine the Inventory available to the customer.

Regarding your question about if a product doesn't have a variant, if "Enable Inventory Management" is enabled the Cart will use the quantity on hand set on the Product Setup screen.

The reason there is a separate Variant Inventory screen is to provide the ability to track different variant combinations and provide a more detailed inventory.


New Post
10/17/2011 2:43 PM

thanks mate!

all clear.

New Post
10/20/2011 8:43 PM
Happy to help!

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartVariant stock quantityVariant stock quantity