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10/20/2011 12:27 PM

I have downloaded the XLS file from this thread:


Is this XLS file the latest I can use for the 4.6.7 module version… this import sheet is for the 4.3.4 version of the cart.

Also, I have a store that will be selling tickets to music shows. I am thinking about setting up the Categories as each musical artist and then each product in that category would be an area in the venue. Each Item will have a variant for buying a dinner pass… How do I set this up?

I assume I set values for these:

  1. VariantGroup1
  2. VariantName1
  3. VariantPriceDif1

The VariantGroup1 would be set to “Dinner Pass”

VaraintName1 would be set to “Yes” or “No”

VariantPrice1 would be set to “25.00” or “0.00”

Is this correct? Or…do I need to use the following like this:

  1. VariantGroup1 - Dinner Pass
  2. VariantName1 - Yes
  3. VariantPriceDif1 – 25.00
  4. VariantGroup2 - Dinner Pass
  5. VariantName2 - No
  6. VariantPriceDif2 – 0.00

Sorry if this is confusing, but I feel this XLS sheet would be better to have it all filled out – then import the products, because setting up the variants for all these one by one takes way too much time.

Can the above variant be shared across all products? I assume this is why it is easier to just us this import sheet because I can copy and paste the values. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks for any help here.

New Post
10/20/2011 9:38 PM

Yes, you the xls spreadsheet available in the post you referenced above is the correct example to follow.

I believe the correct way to setup the configuration you are looking for would be the following, you only need 1 Variant Group and the "Yes" and "No" option will both belong to the same Variant Group:

VariantGroup1 - Dinner Pass
VariantName1 - Yes
VariantPriceDif1 – 25.00
VariantName2 - No
VariantPriceDif2 – 0.00

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