Shopping Cart 4.67 DNN6.0.2
I had shopping cart 3.96 installed on the site when it was a DNN 5.x site, but we never really used it. I learned from you that I needed to go to the latest release to work on DNN 6.x so I purchased your latest release SC 4.67 this moring. Becasue we never really used the previous version of the shopping Cart I Uninstalled/Deleted all of the Shopping Cart modules.
The I tried to install SC 4.67, but I got a temporary loading error - see the attached screen shot in [loading error.docx]
I recycled the application pool and cleared cache and then tried to install again. This time I got a bunch of SQL errors becuase the table were already there and it was trying to insert duplicate columens. So I went to host --> SQL and dropped the tables it was complaining about. - see the attached document with the list of tables I was dropping in [table drops.txt] I tried to install multiple times but it kept finding more and more duplicate tables, so I would add to the list to drop and then install again. But when it got to object Smith_AddVMatrixDetail was not able to drop it.
You can see in the attached [installtionerror.doc] the last error and the list of modules that are installed (or at least it says they are installed in host --> extensions) and at version 4.67, but the Smith Buy Now module is not installed.
I do not undersand why I am having this problem, the install says it is repairing, but I am getting errors on duplicates and the BuyNow moduel has not been installed at all. I need assistance to get a clean and correct install.
Please advise!