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11/3/2011 8:10 PM

I have the Smith Cart version: 4.2

My client needs to track affiliate sales. I see the report there, but can't seem to figure it out. How does it work? And does it work in version 4.2?




New Post
11/4/2011 2:21 PM

Hi Will,

Currently, the report you are referring to has not yet been programmed. For information on how the Affiliate Manager module works please see the following post: http://www.smith-consulting.com/Forum...

The affiliate tracking feature will work in SmithCart 4.2 and you will need to utilize the Affiliate Tracking module, although to the extent of which I cannot be certain as I am unable to test the same version of the Cart as you are running. I do know that we have made same fairly extensive enhancements and added more functionality recently in v.4.46 and v.4.68 which are outlined in the Change Log located to the left of this post.

The shopping cart provides support for Affiliate Tracking to sell your products with the option to store the affiliate id in order table on successful purchase. The Cart tracks Affiliate purchases giving you the ability to pay out commissions to your affiliates in a multi-level marketing (MLM) model. For more information please see pages 106 and 275 in the Product Manual here: http://www.smith-consulting.com/Porta...


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