1. Sure would make everything easier for the user if this weren't the case. And it would help avoid the issue of submitting the capture order twice.
2. Well, when I open up the order, change an amount, print an invoice, then click "back" without saving, and then enter the order again, the changed values held. Same thing if I send email. It definitely SEEMS like it's saving it!
3. Both captures were processed by authorize.net.
In reviewing what went to authorize.net, there were three different transactions, all with the same authorization codes, but all with different transaction ids. The first was the authorization, which was (and still is) unsettled and listed as "authorized/pending capture". The next two were the different captures, which have now gone from "captured/pending settlement" to "settled successfully". I thought there would be only one transaction, which would progress from "authorized/pending capture" to "captured/pending settlement" and finally to "settled successfully". Because now, ignoring the inadvertent re-run of the card, there's an unsettled transaction just hanging out in our account. Shouldn't it work this way???