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1/2/2012 8:09 AM

Is it possible to create a single coupon code for multiple products? For example, if I wanted to create a new year's special coupon for any of our packaged products only? I see how I can create one for a specific product or one for everything but is there a way to make one for product X, Y and Z only? I'm not taking about member discounts but just coupons.




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1/3/2012 5:23 PM

Hi Nick,

The best way to configure a coupon to be used on multiple specific products would be to configure a coupon individually for each product. Currently the ability to configure a single coupon to be used with for a set of multiple specific products is not currently available. If you would like to be provided with a fixed quote to add this ability, please send an email with a link to this forum post to sales@smith-consulting.com. We quote all features below cost and in most cases we can start work within a week.


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCoupon Code for multiple productsCoupon Code for multiple products