Using SmithCart 4.67. Customers are reporting that the buttons on a product page contain no text (e.g. Add To Cart). I don't know if this affects more than IE8, but I cannot reproduce it. I was able to contact a customer and he sent two screenshots. It seems the error is in scFancyBox.js:
Object doesn't support this property or method
scFancyBox.js Line: 2
Code 0: char 5
Is there a way to disable this until a solution is figured out? People can't order.
Here's the generated HTML:
<a id="dnn_ctr492_ProductDetails_ibAddtoCart" title="ADD TO CART" class="b_link" href='javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("dnn$ctr492$ProductDetails$ibAddtoCart", "", true, "", "", false, true))' style="font-size:12px;">ADD TO CART</a>