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1/19/2012 8:06 AM

I have a client that is requesting an autoship capability whereby a customer could purchase a product and specify that they want that product to be autoshipped. ie: billed/shipped every month. I know that smith-cart provides recurring  but would a recurring order create an new order with emails sent to store admin etc like the original order or does it just bill the card?

If a customer has a recurring order, can they cancel it from My Account or do they need to contact the store admin?

Does anyone currently do this?

Thanks for the info!



New Post
1/20/2012 12:40 PM
Hi Carl,

Currently SmithCart supports many different recurring billing options however an "Auto-Buy" program, to create a new order, charge customers, and automatically ship orders is not currently supported. If you would like to be provided with a fixed quote for our programmers to develop this feature for you, please send an email with a link to the post to sales@smith-consulting.com. We quote all feature enhancements below cost since it is enhancing the module and in most cases we can start work within a week.

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