I don't know if this is some code in the ascx file we can change or a setting in the store admin or cart admin (we looked and couldn't find anything) but the issue is more of a user interface issue.
See here:
Notice we have 10 books per page well on the page it looks like when you scroll to the bottom that there are only 10 books when in reality there are 28 total and thus 2+ more pages of books. Is there a way to make the store show only say 9 items per page since we are doing 3 product columns per row. I see where you can change the # of columns from 2-4 columns (3 fits our design) but I don't see where you can tell the store how many products to display per page - so instead of 10 we would like say 9 or 12 - something that goes with the 3 columns so it doesn't look like there is only 1 page of products.