HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartOrders sneaking through with $0 taxes and Free shipping (bug)Orders sneaking through with $0 taxes and Free shipping (bug)
New Post
4/13/2012 7:03 AM

We have an odd bug that appears once in a while.

We have taxes setup through "Zip2Tax Real Time Tax Calculation" and have California as the only taxable state in the settings for the store.

We are using USPS for shipping.

We had an order come in from a customer in California for a $54.95 product (setup as a variant) that came through on the order report with $0.00 taxes and $0.00 ("Free") shipping!

The same customer placed a different order later in the day to the same address and that order was taxed and has USPS shipping correctly showing.

How did the 1st order come through as $0 tax and $0 shipping? We've had a few other orders in the past do this randomly too. is there something in the product setup that we're missing? Or is this a random? Thanks!

Versions we're using: Smith cart 4.93.0 (soon to upgrade to 4.94.0 for international shipping)DNN: 06.01.03 (108)

New Post
4/13/2012 4:07 PM
Hi Andrew,

Are there any errors logged to the DNN Event Viewer at the time the order is placed?

Are there any similarities between the orders which are experiencing the issue? Such as product ordered, Shipping Address, Billing Address, Discounts applied, customer being logged in or not etc.?

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartOrders sneaking through with $0 taxes and Free shipping (bug)Orders sneaking through with $0 taxes and Free shipping (bug)