Hello again good sirs,
I am running smith cart version 4.93, and I am interested in changing a bit of text that appears on the BuyNow product listings.
When I give a product a "sale price", and check to use sale prices in the module config, I am given the following results
Sale Price: $379.99
I would like to be able to change the text "Sale Price" to something more accurate for my store, such as "Your Price"
Within the file ProductsList.ascx, I think I have found the line that generates this text
Line 108
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblSalePriceLabel2" resourcekey="lblSalePriceLabel" Visible="false"/>
However, the .ascx file is not just simply placing the text, it is calling the text from some external resource.
Is it possible for me to change this text? Thanks!