HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHow to go back to change previously chosen options?How to go back to change previously chosen options?
New Post
6/7/2012 11:17 AM

Hi, when clicking the 'Back' button on the Shopping Cart page (next to 'Proceed to Checkout'), it goes back to the full products listing page. Is it possible for this action to go back to the 'Product Details' page instead, so that the user can change any options they had previously selected (ie colour/size/etc)

Another question - on the Shopping Cart page, is it possible to format the product description created by the options on the previous page, so that it reads better than just a single string of text?


New Post
6/12/2012 11:47 PM

I agree that the ability to click to "BACK" button on the Cart page to go back to the Product Details page would be helpful however this ability is currently not supported however our techs are available to implement this feature for you. We would be happy to provide you with a fixed quote if you have budget in your project, just submit a quote request at the following link: https://www.smith-consulting.com/Serv...

Regarding formatting the product description for the Variants included with a product, I am not certain that this is possible but will check with programming. Is there a specific way you would like to display the description?


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHow to go back to change previously chosen options?How to go back to change previously chosen options?