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6/6/2012 1:45 PM

Good afternoon, 

I am on DN6 and SC5 and am looking at affiliate marketing setup. A person that we are working with sent us a pixel to put in place on the confirmation screen but that method does not seem  to be able to indicate which affiliate referred the sale.

I found that the store setup has two fields under "Affiliate Setup", those are MerchantID and Affiliate URL but these do not appear to be referenced in the documentation. We plan on using ShareASale which you mention in documentation for creating a data feed but no where else.

Is there more documentation on how to enable affiliate marketing with ShareASale?

Thank you,


New Post
6/7/2012 5:51 PM


Hi Scot,
Smith Cart has a flexible affiliate setup that allows you to integrate your store with any advertising network you like.  Advertising networks like Commission Junction and Share A Sale are supported. You can choose to setup your program to pay on a percentage of a sale (pay-per-sale), a pay-per lead basis (PPL or CPA), or a pay-per-click.
In the BuyNow module settings Affiliate Setup section you can enter the following information:
Merchant ID – Enter the Merchant ID for your affiliate network.  Commission Junction 
and Share a Sale are examples of affiliate/advertising networks.
Affiliate URL - Enter the Affiliate URL for your affiliate network. 
Affiliate URL Tokens - The following tokens are supported in the Affiliate URL:
[ORDERID] – Smith Cart Order ID
[ORDERTOTAL] – The total sale amount of the order
[MERCHANTID] - The Merchant ID for your affiliate network
[SKULIST] – A comma separated list of skus for each line item ordered
[PRICELIST] - A comma separated list of the product unit cost for each line item ordered
[QTYLIST] - A comma separated list of the quantity ordered for each line item
The following is an example “Affiliate URL” with tokens for the Share a Sale 
(shareasale.com) advertising network:
In the cart user guide in the Affiliate Tracking Module chapter (~ pg 291) there are about 10 pages dedicated to this topic.  If you are also interested in setting up affiliate data feeds, see the section titled "How to Create Product Data Feeds for Affiliates" which explains how to allow your Affiliates to display your products on their websites to potential customers
Also, please see the following Smith Cart "How To" forum post on How to pay out affiliate commissions using the Smith Cart Affiliate Manager module


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
6/20/2012 8:22 AM

Good morning,

I have set up the merchant id and url for shareasale in the buynow module. It does not appear to be working. I ran their test and it reports back that they received nothing from us. Is there something else that needs to be done?  Their instructions indicate to put their pixel code in the confirmation page. If that is unneccessary with this set up then I would prefer not to.




New Post
6/22/2012 11:23 AM
In the buynow settings try entering something in the google analytics id textbox and save your settings to see if it works.

Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
6/22/2012 1:27 PM

Okay...what that has to do with the affiliate set up, I don't know, but it seems to have corrected the issue with the system not sending anything to ShareASale.


...next issue... the affiliate URL is supposed to send a few tokens. One of these is [ORDERTOTAL]. Unfortunately, what is being sent is the subtotal and does not include any discounts. Coupon discounts are not being included. Affiliates will never be paid commission on money not received from the customer. If it says it is sending the [ORDERTOTAL], then it should be sending the order total and not the undiscounted subtotal. The amount sent to affiliates should also exclude shipping and tax as those also do not have commission paid. So really, the amount sent should be the product cost totals less any discounts but before shipping and tax.

I seem to recall that this was also an issue with PayPal that was recently corrected. 

Can someone please look at this and get me a fix?

Thank you,


New Post
6/22/2012 5:24 PM
I can confirm that the coupon amount is not being deducted from the subtotal that is sent to SAS. I entered this issue in the SC bugtracker and a hotfix will be available next week.

Shipping and tax are already excluded from the order total token sent to SAS so no change need there.

Thanks for reporting the issue!

Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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