Hi Joanne,
Yes, it is possible to have Paypal and Internet Banking as a combination or only credit card payments and internet banking or you can offer all three.
When the payment method “Internet Banking” is enabled, on the checkout Step 2 page the user can select “Internet Banking” as payment method from the dropdown list and the following two read only labels will display on the Step 2 checkout page which are entered at the bottom of the Payment Gateways screen under the Other Payment Options section:
Merchant Bank Name
Merchant Bank Account Number
The user will then be allowed to complete the checkout without a real time credit card authorization.
Adding the Bank Information to the Confirmation Emails:
To add the bank information to the confirmation email the user receives add the following tokens to the html email template or the Email Confirmation Header in the BuyNowsettings:
[ACCOUNTNUMBER] – The bank account number entered in the BuyNow module settings and displayed on the step 2 checkout page when “Internet Banking” is selected as a payment method.
[BANKNAME] – Applies to the Internet Banking payment method only. The Merchant Bank Name field is entered in the BuyNow module settings and displayed to the user on the step 2 checkout page.
The two tokens above are added to the email template the user will receive an email confirmation with the merchant‟s internet banking information to complete the transaction using their bank‟s online bill pay website.
Hope this helps!