HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartAdd user to Group/Group role by productAdd user to Group/Group role by product
New Post
8/20/2012 1:39 PM
Dunno if this is a feature enhancement....
But there is currently the functionality to add a user to a role during checkout.
With the release of Dnn 6, they have addeed the group/roles for the 'group' functionality.
Would it be possible that when setting up a product, that add user to group/group role, (obviously the group role would already be created)

This could add a great functinoality to smith cart.  It would allow people with site that have user groups to set up products that would charge to join groups.

Please let me know what you think.
New Post
8/20/2012 2:19 PM
I figured it out.. if you change the role security mode for "both" then the role shows up in the product "roles" section.
Perfect for signing up for groups:)
New Post
8/22/2012 5:11 PM
hwilson wrote:
I figured it out.. if you change the role security mode for "both" then the role shows up in the product "roles" section.
Perfect for signing up for groups:)

Happy to hear that you were able to figure it out and thanks for posting back with an update!

Please let us know if we can help with anything else.


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartAdd user to Group/Group role by productAdd user to Group/Group role by product