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9/7/2012 6:25 PM

I upgraded my DNN version from 6.1.2 to 6.2.0 and upgraded Smith Cart from 4.9.9 to 5.0.0 and the products in the Buy Now module product listing do not show.
If I go to the Featured products they do though.

Have you seen this before? or do you have any ideas?

I may just set up a fresh DNN 6.2.2 and install a new 5.0.0 smith cart to make sure there hasnt been a problem collected during upgrades over the last few years.

Get back to me when you can.
New Post
9/7/2012 7:13 PM
Try doing the following to see if it fixes the issue on your site:

1. From the store admin menu, click on the page template button to go into the page template editor and delete all your page templates.

2. In file explorer, navigate to your \portals\[portalid]\smithcart\templates folder

2. Delete all the files in the \portals\[portalid]\smithcart\templates folder

3. Reset iis and restart the application from the dnn host menu

4. Go to product listing page and see if your products are displayed.

Please let us know if the above resolves the issue.
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