Hi guys -
While it is still fresh in my mind, I wanted to point out a few qwerks/improvements with the products details page that I believe would make the shopping experience as a whole more streamlined.
1. Add To Cart
In a slightly earlier version of the cart (5.23?), when a user would add an item to the cart, they were taken directly to the view cart page. The first time we saw this on our portal we were elated. However, this feature has been removed for whatever reason in the current version (5.25).
Currently, when a user adds an item to the cart, the count in the mini cart module changes, but the user still has to click "View Cart".
2. Button Text
On my Product Details pages, I am currently using the built in Mini Cart module option.
There are two buttons, that I think would do well to have the text in the button changed.
"Continue Shopping" - I would prefer the text "Return to Product Listing" or "Back To Product Listings"
"View Cart" - I would prefer the text "Checkout" as I feel that more accurately describes the location that the link directs to.