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12/9/2012 10:20 PM
Hi there

I am trying to work out if it is possible to setup a free shipping for product x if bought with product Y scenario.  As an example on this particular website you can purchase a bedspread for say $100, and a pillow case for $10.00.

The current shipping method is "custom shipping method by quantity" and for each bedspread its $15.00 and for Each pillow case its $5.00 if bought individually.

I would like to achieve that if a buyer purchases a bedspread and a pillow case that the pillow case will be free to ship.

Test Case: 1 x bedspread + 1 x pillow case = $110 for goods and $15.00 for shipping not $20.00

What is the best method of achieving this if it is at all possible?

So far i have tried bundling the products but this makes the pillow case free to purchase but i want only free to ship.  I have also looked into using a weight calculation method assigning weights that would allow me to work out what the user has purchased and using the categories in the custom shipping methods and including the price into the pillow case but these are not ideal.

Any suggestions?

Cheers Marcus

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