I've been messing around with some different shipping options in my store's cart, and I have come to find that in order for any shipping method to work, the product must have a weight.
Not knowing this simple fact while doing my imports, I gave many products a weight of "0" knowing that I would not need this information on my cart. I have now come to find that this was unwise, as it is required for any shipping method to work.
I would be happy to simply export my products, and re-import them with a value in the weight column. However, I have found that the product export function of the cart is a bit buggy when it comes to the product categories. The exported categories are showing truncated values in the excel spreadsheet.
An example of this would be:
Imported values in category column for a product:
Example exported values for the same product:
As you can see, sometimes a product category has the last letter truncated. Sometimes, a random extra ";" is added to the category values. When I did my complete store reload, this was acceptable, as I was re-creating the categories anyways. However, If I miss any one of these truncated values, it will create a new category, and my menu will not recognize it.
Any suggestions on how to tackle this issue?
Thanks - Alex