Hi Alex,
To change the query of featured products module new releases you can do either of the following:
1. The logic for the new releases sproc is 30 days from the product create date so you could issue a sql update stmt to change the createdate of your products to prevent them from being displayed.
2. If you modify the following sproc and change the where clause as highlighted below to change the date logic:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[dnn_Smith_ListFeaturedNewReleases]
@PortalId int
[ProductID], [CategoryID], [Manufacturer], [ModelNumber], [ModelName], [ProductImage],
[ThumbnailImage], [UnitCost], memberprice, [QuantityOnHand], [Summary], [Description], [DownloadUrl],
[Featured], [Archived], [Weight], [SortOrder], [ExcludeCoupon], [Items], [Share], [TabModuleId],
[CreatedByUser], [CreatedDate], [Recurring], [SubscriptionInterval], [RecurringOccurances], [AddDnnRole],
[BundleID], [RequireLogin], [UsePriPriceWght], [MasterBundleID], seourl, minorderqty, maxorderqty, [TaxRate], SalePrice
FROM dnn_Smith_Products
where logicallydeleted <> 1 and Archived != 1 and HideProduct != 1 and
CreatedDate >= dateadd(d,-30,GETDATE()) and PortalId = @PortalId
order by SortOrder , ModelName