HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartMinor bug, and a minor annoyanceMinor bug, and a minor annoyance
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2/7/2013 11:13 AM
In zoned shipping by quantity (at least there... that's the one I was setting up) I have stumbled across a minor bug, and a minor annoyance.

If you create a zone, say, US Continental, then select all states except alaska and hawaii, save that.  OK.
Create a new zone, called US AK HI, USA is no longer a choice for countries.
Expected Behavior:
US would continue to be a choice, because US and Canada could have multiple "Zones" for shipping.  (i.e. Continental, AK, HI, PR)

I couldn't figure out why I was getting free shipping when I had set up the above zones (the work-around for US not showing up again was to go into SQL and manually add it...)  until I saw in the shipping zone regions "Free shipping Orders Over Amount".  I left that at the default (0), and everything was getting free shipping.
Expected behavior:
Should default to either -1 (not applicable), or a ridiculous number such as 999999

I would imagine that if folks didn't know about that little caveat, they are getting free shipping as well, and are having problems figuring out why.


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartMinor bug, and a minor annoyanceMinor bug, and a minor annoyance