HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartUpdating secondary imagesUpdating secondary images
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3/18/2013 1:16 PM
Hello - 

My site is running DNN 6.2 and SC 5.30.
I was trying to add a few more images to my products via the spreadsheet product import feature in Smith Cart.

It would seem that all the image fields with exception to the "ThumbImage1" and "LargeImage1" fields do not update upon importing a spreadsheet with existing product SKU's. I have tested this in multiple SC versions. It has been an on-going issue for me for a while now. Is there any way at all I can force the import to update every field from my spreadsheet?

I could delete every product, and then re-import them, but that would cause every product to gain a new product ID, effectively changing it's URL and killing google search results.

Thanks. Alex

New Post
3/18/2013 10:18 PM
Hi Alex,

To update your secondary images you can FTP the new images with the same name as the previous images.
New Post
3/19/2013 6:06 AM
That would definitely work, however not for my particular issue.

The problem is that I did not specify a file name for any secondary images on most of my products on the original product import, so your suggestion is unfortunately not an option for me.

Any other ideas? Thanks for your help.
New Post
3/19/2013 5:51 PM
I took a look at the program and it looks like the only images that are not updated if the product already exists are the zoom images. Can you confirm this is what you see also?

Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
3/22/2013 7:11 AM

I've done about 20 imports on 5.30, and it would seem that the only image fields that update on re-import are:

The rest are stuck with whatever value (or lack thereof) was given to it upon the initial import.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartUpdating secondary imagesUpdating secondary images