Hey Kevin... I sent a ticket about a week ago and did not hear back if anything was done on this bug. I believe the issue is that SmithCart is not allowing both boxed products and serial number downloads (mixed use cart) at the same time. All products need to be one or the other. I did get an autogenerated mail back, but a status would be good. I have turned off serial numbers for now and will manually send them to customers. Maybe this is fixed in the upcoming release? Here is the mail I sent last week if it is helpful:
Please refer to this thread:
Also attached is a zip of many screens in the settings.
This error occured at one of either 2 times: When I updated the cart because users were not getting product serial numbers, or when I went to DNN and changed the STATE/REGION option to a text field. I set it back to a dropdown box. DNN and Smith Cart do not seem to handle international countries. That is a DNN problem I guess because they do not ship with region/state lists other than USA/Canada.
But if you look at the above thread, I located the error: Note the bold...
Cart Error: at System.String.Remove(Int32 startIndex) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.AddOrderDetails(
StoreOrdersInfo objOrder, String giftCardType) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.AddStoreOrder(Int32 PayHistID, String orderStatus) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.a(PaymentStatus A_0, Boolean A_1) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.Submit() at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.btnSubmit_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
The only thing I can think of is that the cart has issues with the
Product Serial Numbers - Assign from List setting, because our cart is half and half. Some items do not have product serial numbers as they are boxed items! When I recently ticked this the serial was getting added, but how are you all handling things when there are no serial numbers for a product? Thus the error may happen.
Anyway you can check this out would be great. I do not know what you want in terms of Product Setup Screens or Gateway test credentials as to test the cart I have to change over to a special account, change PEM's, etc. Maybe this is enough info. Again, check the code in your module where the above bold blue text is.
I then sent this reply after further testing:
I think the issue is definitely related to the "Product Serial Numbers - Assign from List" option in the product settings screen.
1. Our cart is mixed use. Some boxed products exist. Some have serial numbers.
2. The error appears to occur on products which DO NOT have serial numbers... i.e. boxed products.
3. I removed the "Product Serial Numbers - Assign from List" setting, and the error appeared to have stopped. I will manually send the customer a serial code for now.
So I expect you run code when the "Gift Certificates & Serial Numbers/Product Serial Numbers - Assign from List" setting is active (see the error info I posted), but when no serial is found for that product, the error occurs.
I think this error started when you all fixed the issue with serials not getting added to receipts or emails.
I would think it is easy to fix. If the SELECT TOP X query from retrieving the serial numbers fails, then stop all processing that occurs of the "Product Serial Numbers - Assign from List" option.
Or, make the option to assign a serial at the PRODUCT level, thus avoiding the query altogether.
The above is my best guess into this!