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6/19/2013 1:30 AM
Hello again.

Just tried searching for this answer, but couldn't see anything. I was just wondering why it may be that when i import data from an excel sheet, it does not select the top level category for a product, but it does select the correct sub level category. an example of what i did was : Breed; Merchandise;Breed~Yorkshire Terrier;Merchandise~Fridge Magnet and then i tried Breed~Yorkshire Terrier;Merchandise~Fridge Magnet.

Also when importing even if i put a ' in front of the sort id number, it still gets imported as a 0.

Any help would be great thanks
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6/21/2013 9:13 AM

I'm a fellow smith cart customer, not a smith guy, just fyi.

I've had a bunch of experience with importing categories via an excell spreadsheet.

I would recommend importing each category separately, and they manually creating your category heirachry after you import. So:
Breed;Merchandise;Yorkshire Terrier;Fridge Magnet

Then go into the edit categories, and move them around to the appropriate heirachry after.

There are several bugs/qwerks with importing and exporting categories (centered around the "~" and subcategories) I have reported that have not been addressed. I'm hoping it's on their "to-do" list..
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6/24/2013 1:11 AM

Thanks for the response i shall give that a go, shame there's not been much resolved around the import bugs, as its very useful.

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6/24/2013 6:13 AM
No problem Kyle -

Once you have your heirachry set up after you've imported, do a product export. It's basically a direct translation of how Smith would want you to import for the structure you have set up. This should give you some key clues as to how to "work around" the qwerks.
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