HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartrandom currency display bugrandom currency display bug
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8/22/2011 3:45 AM

dnn 5.6.3, SC 4.52

I have my cart set to use South African Rands as its currency. Sometimes, when going to the site in a new browser session, the site loads and displays in $ - if I simply refresh the page, or navigate to another page, then this is rectified. However, it can be disconcerting for a new user coming to the site and seeing pricing in the wrong currency.

Please look into it.

New Post
8/22/2011 7:46 PM
Hi Sian,

I have not been able to replicate the currency reverting back to US currency when going to the site in a new browser session, is there a certain process of pages that produces this behavior?

New Post
8/5/2013 6:02 AM
Dear Kevin

I would like to follow up on this query as we have run into the same bug (Rand unexpectedly being replaced with the dollar sign). 

A screenshot showing the problematic entry is attached (highlighted at the bottom). The direct link leading to the page is this. The dollar sign disappears after a refresh.

I hope you replicate and/or help us troubleshoot the problem.

DNN 5.6.2 and Smith Cart 4.56
 Login to download attachment
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8/5/2013 6:15 PM
Hi Johannes,

I looks like this issue was resolved in version 4.99 which was released on 5/3/12. The current release of the Cart in 5.57.

To resolve this issue I recommend upgrading to your Cart to version 4.99 or above.

if you would like to check on your upgrade eligibility, please submit a Ticket to our Licensing Department at the following link - http://www.smith-consulting.com/Support/HelpDesk.aspx

Hope this helps!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartrandom currency display bugrandom currency display bug