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11/17/2013 4:24 PM
We have enabled "Show Opt In" according to:
"Show Opt In - Check this box if you would like to display the user opt in checkbox and 
message to your customer during checkout. If the “Show Opt In” checkbox is not 
checked then opt in checkbox and message will be hidden. If the user opts in during 
checkout a “True” value will be stored in the database for this customer. It is a good idea 
to check this box if you would like to engage your customers using email marketing. 
When you require the user to check the “Opt In” check box, it makes you CAN-SPAM 
compliant and helps you win chargeback disputes if they arise. "
Where can we go to export a list of customers who have opted in?  

New Post
11/20/2013 8:16 AM
Any word on this? Surely there must be a way to figure out what customers have opted in so you can put them into an email marketing list.

New Post
11/20/2013 2:14 PM
Hi Mike,

The Opt In checkbox is saved as a bit field in the Smith_Customer table in the "Contact" column. You can get a list of all customers who have opted in by running the following SQL Statement:

SELECT * FROM Smith_Customer
WHERE Contact=1;

Hope this helps!
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