Hello Smith Consulting,
I am sad to report that my site has once again began generating this error when a user tries to complete his/her checkout.
"Error Processing Payment. Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object."
It's been just over a year since this exact error happened to us last. The reference link to that forum thread is as follows:
This time around, the error message that is produced in the event viewer is as follows:
(Admin Alert)
SmithBuyNow: {}:Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.SqlDataProvider.AddStoreOrders(Int32 customerID, DateTime orderDate, Int32 payHistID, Decimal ShippingTotal, Decimal TaxTotal, Decimal HandlingCharge, String ShipFirstName, String ShipLastName, String ShipAddress1, String ShipAddress2, String ShipCity, String ShipState, String ShipZipcode, String ShipCountry, String Status, String ShipMethod, String AffiliateId, Int32 couponId, Decimal discount, Decimal memberDiscount, String memberRole, String PDTextbox, Decimal Surcharge, Int32 portalId, DateTime UDDate1, DateTime UDDate2, String saveDNNProfileField, Int32 dnnUserID, String specialInstructions, String residentialStatus) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.ProductsController.AddStoreOrders(StoreOrdersInfo objStoreOrders) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.AddStoreOrder(Int32 PayHistID, String orderStatus) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.a(PaymentStatus A_0, Boolean A_1) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.Submit() at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.btnSubmit_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Server Name: CLOUD278
I am in contact with our hosting provider to see if we are able to restore our site back to a working version of the site as a temporary fix. However, at this time I am not sure if this option is available.
The thing of it is, after experiencing this error for a second time, I am not sure that even if we do a restore, how long it will last before we start experiencing this error again. The last successful checkout on our site happened last Tuesday, then starting on Wednesday all checkouts began experiencing this error. I checked our work log to see what was happening on the site during that time period, and there was actually no work being done on the site at all. We we're working on google advertising campaigns, so the site was untouched by us during the time period in question. It was also the same scenario last year when we experienced the error for the first time.
So you're aware, the current version of our site is working on a completely fresh installation of both Smith Cart and DNN. There is literally no direct correlation between our current site, and the site as it existed a year ago. With exception to some product data. You can see the steps we took to resolve the issue a year ago.
I'm sure you can understand how disappointing and frustrating this has become for us. A e-commerce site that cannot process checkouts is, well, just an informational site.
Any help/ideas/suggestions on dealing with/preventing this issue would be greatly appreciated.