HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSmithCart Dynamics Connex SaaSSmithCart Dynamics Connex SaaS
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11/21/2013 1:34 PM
My company is implementing CRM for a number of our affiliates, and CRM synchronization with our shopping cart is one of the requirements. Can you please answer the following questions?

The price for SmithCart Dynamics Connex SaaS is $479, but the product page includes various "Product Types" (1-1500 Transactions per month for $39, 1501-3000 Transactions per month for $59, etc.). What is the yearly cost of the Connex solution? Is it a flat $479, or $479 plus the monthly service fee?

Also, aside from cost, is there any difference between the Connex service offered by JMA Web Technologies and the one offered by Smith Consulting?

New Post
11/21/2013 5:09 PM
Hi Steve,

We have partnered with JWA and integrated Smith Cart with Connex for Dynamics (SAAS) : http://www.jmawebtechstore.com/connex...

Here are the details on the solution:
  • Customer hosts own MS Dynamics
  • Need to install a web service on your DNN site
  • Connex is a hosted SAAS solution with a monthly cost
Connex for Dynamics is developed, licensed and supported by JWA. SmithCart is developed, licensed and supported by Smith Consulting.

All the documentation is provided by JWA http://www.jmawebtechstore.com/connex...

Let us know if you have any other questions.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSmithCart Dynamics Connex SaaSSmithCart Dynamics Connex SaaS